Hello beautiful Mama!

Whether you’re preparing for your baby’s arrival, navigating the early weeks or seeking ongoing support I am dedicated to making your feeding journey as smooth and rewarding as possible for you.

Dear Mama

Dear Mama

Support packages


Email Support

Have a quick question about feeding issues or milk supply? This affordable option is perfect for small specific issues. Simply send me an email with your question, I will send you an invoice and once payment is made I will reply with a response as soon as I am able (goal is within 48hrs) complete with helpful links and generalised information. It does not include a personalised plan, if you require more personalised support please book a consultation. If I feel a comprehensive assessment is more appropriate, I will let you know and there will be no charge.


Antenatal Consult

A 60 minute virtual consultation offers the opportunity to prepare before you have your sweet baby in your arms. Perhaps you’re first time parents, or maybe you’ve had a challenging breastfeeding journey before? - this consult allows an opportunity to explore your past feeding journey and implement a plan for moving forward with positivity and confidence. We will cover what to expect in the first hours, days and weeks; what you do and don’t need for breastfeeding and if you wish, a lesson in hand expressing colostrum is included. This can also be offered as an in-person visit in Dunedin suburbs with the addition of a vehicle running costs fee of $20.

**20% discount is available on ‘The Main’ postnatal consult if this option is booked.


Initial Postnatal Consult

Comprehensive and personalised feeding support. In the comfort of your own home. This 60-90 minute consult starts with a complete health and birth history guided by the pre-filled form you will complete prior to the visit. We will work through a feed together and any issues will be addressed. Initial recommendations will be provided at the end of the consult and followed up with an emailed bespoke feeding plan complete with helpful handouts and links.

A $20 ‘vehicle running costs’ fee is payable in addition to consult fee above.


Ongoing Support

Additional virtual support to monitor progress, address any ongoing issues and adjust the feeding plan as needed. This package can be used for up to six weeks after your initial consultation.

A little something on the side. Lactation Consultant at your finger tips. Two weeks of unlimited email/message support as initiated by the client. Please note this is an add-on to either “The Main” or “The Dessert” consultation.

$50 - Additional Support

Need help urgently and can’t wait until I can see you in usual business hours? Availability dependent, I can see you in the evening between 5-9pm, on weekends or public holidays. Usual business hours are Monday to Friday 9am-5pm.

$50 - Outside of Business Hours

Give the gift of knowledge. Beautifully presented gift vouchers available soon.

  • "Breastfeeding is a mother's finest work, and like any great work of art, it takes time, patience and a whole lot of love"

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“The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed”